OZMAT in the Guardian
Last Thursday, the Guardian featured OZMAT via a guest post written by Dr. Elias Lipton, the the fictional hero of the web series. In the science-leaning article, Dr. Lipton makes an impassioned case for scientific advancement and OZMAT:
In many ways, 2013 has been a wonderful year for humankind. The Higgs boson has been identified. We are discovering ever more habitable planets across our Milky Way galaxy. Just today I read that a team led by Mike Thewalt at Simon Fraser University held a fragile quantum memory state at room temperature for 39 minutes. Thirty-nine minutes! That shatters the world record! The head tingles at the ways in which ultrafast quantum computing could change our world in the not-too-distant future.
Alas, I now fear that such major technological breakthroughs will be few and far between in the coming years. We may in fact be heading toward a period of prolonged stagnation in scientific advancement. No, I’m not talking about fewer young people interested in mathematics and science. And no, I’m not talking about a sluggish world economy slowing down research. I’m talking about a future without OZMAT.
Read the entire article here and be sure to check out some of the comments at the bottom of the post. OZMAT was created and produced by CloudKid.