Namaste From CloudKid HQ
Earlier this year, we decided to start doing regular “skill shares” at CloudKid HQ. We think it’s important to learn about things outside of the realm of our usual day-to-day tasks. This helps us stay well-rounded as artists and helps break up our routines by learning something new. We started with some internal job-related shares: animator CloudKids taught others about animation basics; a graphic designer gave an intro to typography (and type crimes never to commit!); our Technical Producer showed us all how she creates wireframes for the experiences we make. These were just a few of our original skill shares, and they were a great way to kick off this exciting new tradition.
In addition to these interesting internal shares, we’ve also started to think outside the box a bit when it comes to what we’re sharing. More recently, the amazingly talented Larry Sampson did a guest skill share on production design. While he tends to work more on live action shoots, it was inspiring for all of us to hear about another artist’s process. We’ve also gone even further “outside of the box” with origami and yoga skill shares (as pictured above). These were really rad experiences that helped us refresh, recharge, and inspired us to consider potential new hobbies.
We strongly suggest taking some time every now and then to learn a new skill. We’d also love to hear any of your suggestions for future skill shares!