It’s What We’re Into: Intern Edition

It has been a busy summer here at CK, with lots of exciting projects underway. The last couple months have been especially unique, as we’ve had three art interns (two more than normal!) working with us in-house. We thought it’d be great to find out what types of media our interns enjoy when they’re not helping out at the studio. So…without further ado, here’s our very first It’s What We’re Into “Intern Edition”.



Temmie Chang: Children of Mana

Originally released in 2007, Children of Mana is a JRPG for Nintendo DS where players take control of one of four characters, wielding the Sword of Mana in order to save the world from utter destruction. While the overall plot is simple and pretty predictable, and the game doesn’t feel too ambitious or engaging, the visuals and the designs are simply outstanding. Although the characters don’t feel like they have too much depth, the battle and combat system are very easy to get the hang of and the game is pretty similar to its successors, The Sword of Mana and The Secret of Mana. “Grinding” feels very satisfying, especially while doing side quests, since the battle system is fun and the game’s visuals are just eye candy. It may not be a strong, story-driven game like Sword of Mana or Secret of Mana, but definitely consider giving it a try just for the amazing visuals alone.



Alexandra Bye: Shakey Graves, Roll the Bones

Ever since a friend showed me the Audio Tree recording of the song Late July, I have been hopelessly in love with the smokey sound of Shakey Graves. So much so that my Roll the Bones vinyl is cozied up right next to Crosby, Stills & Nash in my record queue. I don’t know much about playing the guitar, but I am intelligent enough to recognize that his playing is a thing of beauty.  I’m not going to try to explain any further – the music is something you just have to experience for yourself. So grab a glass of lemonade, whiskey, or whatever beverage gets you in that cabin-esque, wanderlust mood, and have a listen. Check it out for yourself here!


Hailey Thurrott: Final Fantasy XII

Released in 2006 for the Playstation 2, Final Fantasy XII is a great installment to the franchise, and yet is rarely talked about. Between the music, storyline and superior vastness of the world, this RPG deserves so much more credit than it has received. The storyline itself presents arguably the most mature and dark plot of the franchise. Rather than driven by character drama and romantic-tension, the game follows a larger storyline of war, rebellion and political intrigue. The real gut-kicker (in the best way ever) is the visual impact of the game. There are SO MANY environments to explore. None of the environments feel recycled, and the overall atmosphere achieved in the game is absolutely lovely.   So, if you’re looking for a visual odyssey that will take you on a SUPREME ADVENTURE through an entire world – this is your game. With some of the most beautifully crafted settings and creatures of the series, FFXII is probably one of the most gorgeous, understated masterpieces of the franchise.