Introducing Emogo
2013 is off to a great start at CloudKid HQ! We’re thrilled to announce the soft launch of the “social app” we mentioned in last month’s post. Meet Emogo – the emotional avatar! While Twitter and Facebook provide information about what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with, Emogo lets you share how you feel with your friends, family and followers in a fun, unique way. CloudKid helped conceptualize the product while also creating the branding, UI design and all artwork for the Emogo avatar assets. CloudKid partnered with NYC tech incubator, Soho Tech Labs on the creation of Emogo.
The streamlined “public beta,” which is only available via desktops and tablet browsers, allows people to create their Emogo avatar before the app is available. Stay tuned for more info on the official launch, and in the meantime, create and share your very own Emogo!