Things We Look for When Hiring

illustration by Mike Annear

A few months ago, we posted an article that outlined tips for submitting a portfolio. Now that we’re ramping up for a couple projects, we’ve decided to take it one step further; What type of person is the ideal CloudKid?

Dave and I both graduated from the Studio For Interrelated Media (SIM) at the Massachusetts College of Art + Design. SIM is a concept-driven, critique-focused, and collaborative environment for artists. The program encourages students to identify concepts and to translate them to the most appropriate media for each idea. In any given SIM class, students present works ranging from spoken word to paintings to animation to everything in-between. The results can vary from amazing works of art to visual (and audio) noise, but this model creates artists who view art in a more well-rounded manner, can talk about ideas, and know how to work with others in a creative setting. The tools we picked up in SIM guide CloudKid’s underlying foundation, and while not every artist we hire will graduate from SIM, most of the qualities we saw in our successful peers guide our hiring decisions.

In addition, we are committed to being a small, nimble and highly efficient creative studio. In order to do that, we look high and low to find extraordinary people with an extraordinary range of talents and skills. We recently took a close look at all our employees and identified the qualities that continued to surface.

1. Versatility

Most animation or interactive studios require lots of specialization. We are no different. We have high expectations for our animators to animate, designers to design, and writers to write. However, where we differ is that we also place a high value on people with cross-over and versatile skill-sets. We don’t just hire an animator, we hire an “animator plus”, someone who’s not afraid of working with typography, loves to write or even play with sound. We encourage our employees to take on multiple roles and to learn, grow and stretch through our projects.

2. Drawing

Drawing is the fundamental vehicle for visual communication – especially for anyone working in the creative arts. Everyone who joins CloudKid has to draw, even our producers and programmers. We’re not necessarily looking for the next MC Esher (though it helps); instead, we expect that our employees can quickly sketch in order to communicate thoughts and ideas. We view these type of rough, loose drawings the life-blood of our creations. But, if you’re applying for an art or design position, we expect that you’ve mastered the fundamentals of drawing.

3. Ideas

A lot of people can draw, but there are few people who have truly great ideas. As much as we pride ourselves on generating a high-quality product, ideas are the foundation of it all. We are creative problem-solvers and we spend a lot of time thinking about concepts and how to transform words and thoughts into a real thing. It requires being able to come up with ideas on your own, contribute to a larger group, and provide feedback to make the project even better.

4. Passion

While work is work, you should feel a sense of excitement, curiosity, and love for animation, character-driven storytelling, and gaming. We hire people who truly love to create things. Sketchbooks, side projects, and personal experiments are often the best way to gauge a candidate’s passion. If you haven’t filled a sketchbook in the last year or created projects outside of work or school, it’s usually a red flag. We live by the saying: You can fake passion. You can’t fool us.

Spring Update

It’s been a while since we last updated the bloggy. We’ve been a little busy with a handful of pretty cool projects.  Here’s a little CloudKid update:

1. Fizzy’s Lunch Lab – We totally slayed the second season. All the content is done. Finished. Complete. In the bag…you get it. The videos, games, and recipes will be rolling out until September, so be sure to check back for weekly updates. We recently launched two pretty awesome games. The first one is Hard Boiled – a nutritional-themed game show where kids can play alone or face-off against a friend, peer, or sibling.  The second game is Hectic Harvest – a farming game that encourages you to plant crops, earn cash, and buy upgrades to become a farming machine.  Game development process posts will soon follow.

2. Ready to Learn – This fall PBS notified us that we were part of their US Department of Education Ready to Learn grant. As part of the grant, we had to propose a series of math-based games spanning a variety of media. Rather than proposing a bunch of mini-games, we took a risk and proposed creating one large game (ala Mario Bros). Our proposal was well-recieved and green-lit this February. We’re now in the thick of producing the epic online narrative-experience, Escape from Greasy World – kids must solve mini-math challenges to push along the larger narrative and solve the mystery of Fizzy’s whereabouts. We’re also producing a smaller IWB game based on the larger experience.

3. Radical Reading – We’ve been working with a major children’s media company to develop an amazing reading program for kids. While we’re currently face-down in development, production will officially start in the next month. It’s an awesome project with lots and lots of potential.

4. Hiring – It’s going to be a very busy summer at CloudKid, and we’re looking for a few good CloudKids. Stay tuned for job postings, hiring tips, and other hopefully useful information.

Up, up, and away…

CloudKid: A Year in Review

With 2011 freshly upon us, we took some time to look back and recognize the accomplishments over the past year.  There were many long nights, lessons learned, and of course, highlights.  Through all the twists and turns, we couldn’t be more pleased with 2010.

While it’s always great to look back, we’re even more excited about 2011 and what the future holds for CloudKid.  Sky’s the limit.

CloudKid Halloween

Today, we had a little fun at CloudKid (I swear we do work).  We have been creating micro Halloween-inspired pieces of artwork, and today we had the chance to have a little show and tell – as well as a little Halloween merriment.  After all, who doesn’t love a juicy piece of Candy corn?  Enjoy the pictures, have a safe holiday, and remember to check underneath your bed before falling asleep.

CloudKid goes Apple Picking

We’ve all been working hard here at the studio, so we thought it best to get outside and get some fresh air.  What better to do in New England in the Fall, but pick apples!  We took a drive to Honey Pot Hill Orchards and snagged some awesome looking (and tasting) Macs, Cortlands, and Empires.  Check out the pics!

Making Moves!

For the last year, CloudKid has called Watertown, MA it’s home.  We rented offices on top of a small law firm, and for a young startup, the space was adequate for our needs as we produced season 1 of Fizzy’s Lunch Lab.  We decided that it was time to upgrade our studio and make the move to a more “creative” space.  The CloudKid HQ now resides in Boston, MA, a stone’s throw from PBS content juggernaut, WGBH.

Over the weekend, CloudKid made the big move, unpacked, and started to settle in.  After two back-to-back 12 hour days, things are starting to take shape. Below are some photos from Saturday’s marathon day.  Friend and Boston-based artist, Fish McGill, lent his artistic skills and painted two awesome murals.  Check them out. More photos to follow.